
echoannot includes data generated by “Nott2019”:

Nott A, Holtman IR, Coufal NG, … Glass CK. Brain cell type-specific enhancer-promoter interactome maps and disease-risk association. Science. 2019 Nov 29;366(6469):1134-1139. doi: 10.1126/science.aay0793. Epub 2019 Nov 14. PMID: 31727856; PMCID: PMC7028213.

Import data

superenhancers <- echoannot::get_NOTT2019_superenhancer_interactome()
enhancers_promoters <- echoannot::NOTT2019_get_promoter_interactome_data()
peaks <- echoannot::NOTT2019_get_epigenomic_peaks() 


dat <- echodata::BST1
histo_out <- echoannot::NOTT2019_epigenomic_histograms(dat = dat) 
## NOTT2019:: Creating epigenomic histograms plot
## + Inferring genomic limits for window: 1x
## Constructing GRanges query using min/max ranges across one or more chromosomes.
## Downloading data from UCSC.
## Importing... [1] exvivo_H3K27ac_tbp
## Importing... [2] microglia_H3K27ac
## Importing... [3] neurons_H3K27ac
## Importing... [4] oligodendrocytes_H3K27ac
## Importing... [5] astrocytes_H3K27ac
## Importing... [6] exvivo_atac_tbp
## Importing... [7] microglia_atac
## Importing... [8] neurons_atac
## Importing... [9] oligodendrocytes_atac
## Importing... [10] astrocytes_atac
## Importing... [11] microglia_H3K4me3
## Importing... [12] neurons_H3K4me3
## Importing... [13] oligodendrocytes_H3K4me3
## Importing... [14] astrocytes_H3K4me3
## Importing previously downloaded files: /github/home/.cache/R/echoannot/NOTT2019_epigenomic_peaks.rds
## ++ NOTT2019:: 634,540 ranges retrieved.
## dat is already a GRanges object.
## 543 query SNP(s) detected with reference overlap.
## + Calculating max histogram height
## + Converting label units to Mb.
## using coord:genome to parse x scale
## using coord:genome to parse x scale
## Warning in !vapply(ggl, fixed, logical(1L)) & !vapply(PlotList, is,
## "Ideogram", : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
## Found more than one class "simpleUnit" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'hexbin'
## Also defined by 'ggbio'
## Found more than one class "unit" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'hexbin'
## Also defined by 'ggbio'

In addition to the plot object, tables of both raw read ranges and called peaks are included in the output list.

seqnames start end width strand score Cell_type Assay Experiment
chr4 14737349 14737411 63 * 0.6 microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp
chr4 14737488 14737562 75 * 0.2 microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp
chr4 14737692 14737766 75 * 0.6 microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp
chr4 14737782 14737856 75 * 0.4 microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp
chr4 14738054 14738126 73 * 0.6 microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp
chr4 14738127 14738128 2 * 1.2 microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp
seqnames start end width strand Assay Marker Cell_type Cell_type.1 Assay.1 Experiment y
4 14745668 14746002 335 * peaks Olig2 oligo microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp -1.1e-06
4 14751439 14751837 399 * peaks Olig2 oligo microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp -1.1e-06
4 14768551 14768735 185 * peaks PU1 microglia microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp -1.1e-06
4 14768704 14769257 554 * peaks PU1 microglia microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp -1.1e-06
4 14771450 14773099 1650 * peaks LHX2 astrocytes microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp -1.1e-06
4 14829018 14829146 129 * peaks NeuN neurons microglia H3K27ac exvivo H3K27ac tbp -1.1e-06


echoannot also includes data generated by “Corces2019”:

Corces, M.R., Shcherbina, A., Kundu, S. et al. Single-cell epigenomic analyses implicate candidate causal variants at inherited risk loci for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Nat Genet 52, 1158–1168 (2020).

Import data

bulkATACseq_peaks <- echoannot::get_CORCES2020_bulkATACseq_peaks()
cicero_coaccessibility <- echoannot::get_CORCES2020_cicero_coaccessibility()
hichip_fithichip_loop_calls <- echoannot::get_CORCES2020_hichip_fithichip_loop_calls()
scATACseq_celltype_peaks <- echoannot::get_CORCES2020_scATACseq_celltype_peaks()
scATACseq_peaks <- echoannot::get_CORCES2020_scATACseq_peaks()


peak_dat <- echoannot::granges_overlap(
    dat1 = dat,  
    chrom_col.1 = "CHR",
    start_col.1 = "POS",
    dat2 = scATACseq_celltype_peaks, 
    chrom_col.2 = "hg38_Chromosome",
    start_col.2 = "hg38_Start",
    end_col.2 = "hg38_Stop")
                ggplot2::aes(y=ExcitatoryNeurons, color=Effect)) 

Session Info

## R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
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## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] echoannot_0.99.10 BiocStyle_2.25.0 
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] utf8_1.2.2                  reticulate_1.26            
##   [3] R.utils_2.12.0              tidyselect_1.2.0           
##   [5] RSQLite_2.2.18              AnnotationDbi_1.59.1       
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##   [9] BiocParallel_1.31.15        XGR_1.1.8                  
##  [11] munsell_0.5.0               codetools_0.2-18           
##  [13] ragg_1.2.4                  interp_1.1-3               
##  [15] DT_0.26                     colorspace_2.0-3           
##  [17] OrganismDbi_1.39.1          Biobase_2.57.3             
##  [19] filelock_1.0.2              highr_0.9                  
##  [21] knitr_1.40                  supraHex_1.35.0            
##  [23] rstudioapi_0.14             stats4_4.2.1               
##  [25] DescTools_0.99.47           labeling_0.4.2             
##  [27] MatrixGenerics_1.9.1        GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.9     
##  [29] farver_2.1.1                bit64_4.0.5                
##  [31] echoconda_0.99.7            rprojroot_2.0.3            
##  [33] basilisk_1.9.12             vctrs_0.5.0                
##  [35] generics_0.1.3              xfun_0.34                  
##  [37] biovizBase_1.45.0           BiocFileCache_2.5.2        
##  [39] R6_2.5.1                    GenomeInfoDb_1.33.16       
##  [41] AnnotationFilter_1.21.0     bitops_1.0-7               
##  [43] cachem_1.0.6                reshape_0.8.9              
##  [45] DelayedArray_0.23.2         assertthat_0.2.1           
##  [47] BiocIO_1.7.1                scales_1.2.1               
##  [49] nnet_7.3-18                 rootSolve_1.8.2.3          
##  [51] gtable_0.3.1                lmom_2.9                   
##  [53] ggbio_1.45.0                ensembldb_2.21.5           
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##  [57] echodata_0.99.15            splines_4.2.1              
##  [59] lazyeval_0.2.2              rtracklayer_1.57.0         
##  [61] dichromat_2.0-0.1           hexbin_1.28.2              
##  [63] checkmate_2.1.0             BiocManager_1.30.19        
##  [65] yaml_2.3.6                  reshape2_1.4.4             
##  [67] backports_1.4.1             GenomicFeatures_1.49.8     
##  [69] ggnetwork_0.5.10            Hmisc_4.7-1                
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##  [85] purrr_0.3.5                 RCurl_1.98-1.9             
##  [87] basilisk.utils_1.9.4        prettyunits_1.1.1          
##  [89] rpart_4.1.16                deldir_1.0-6               
##  [91] S4Vectors_0.35.4            cluster_2.1.4              
##  [93] SummarizedExperiment_1.27.3 ggrepel_0.9.1              
##  [95] fs_1.5.2                    crul_1.3                   
##  [97] magrittr_2.0.3              data.table_1.14.4          
##  [99] echotabix_0.99.8            dnet_1.1.7                 
## [101] openxlsx_4.2.5.1            mvtnorm_1.1-3              
## [103] ProtGenerics_1.29.1         matrixStats_0.62.0         
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## [109] jpeg_0.1-9                  readxl_1.4.1               
## [111] IRanges_2.31.2              gridExtra_2.3              
## [113] compiler_4.2.1              biomaRt_2.53.3             
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## [117] R.oo_1.25.0                 htmltools_0.5.3            
## [119] tzdb_0.3.0                  Formula_1.2-4              
## [121] tidyr_1.2.1                 expm_0.999-6               
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## [125] dbplyr_2.2.1                MASS_7.3-58.1              
## [127] rappdirs_0.3.3              boot_1.3-28                
## [129] Matrix_1.5-1                readr_2.1.3                
## [131] piggyback_0.1.4             cli_3.4.1                  
## [133] R.methodsS3_1.8.2           parallel_4.2.1             
## [135] igraph_1.3.5                GenomicRanges_1.49.1       
## [137] pkgconfig_2.0.3             pkgdown_2.0.6.9000         
## [139] GenomicAlignments_1.33.1    dir.expiry_1.5.1           
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## [167] fansi_1.0.3                 downloadR_0.99.5           
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## [171] GGally_2.1.2                KEGGREST_1.37.3            
## [173] fastmap_1.1.0               httr_1.4.4                 
## [175] survival_3.4-0              glue_1.6.2                 
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## [179] bit_4.0.4                   Rgraphviz_2.41.2           
## [181] class_7.3-20                stringi_1.7.8              
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