Create a conda environment from a yaml file. By default, creates the "echoR" conda env to support echolocatoR.
yaml_path = system.file(package = "echoconda", "conda/echoR.yml"),
conda = "auto",
force_new = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
Path to local or remote yaml file with conda build specifications.
The path to a conda
executable. Use "auto"
to allow
to automatically find an appropriate conda
See Finding Conda and conda_binary()
for more details.
If the conda env already exists,
overwrite it with a new one (DEFAULT: FALSE
Print messages.
Other conda:
conda_env <- echoconda::yaml_to_env()
#> echoconda:: Conda already installed.
#> echoconda:: Retrieving conda env name from yaml.
#> Identified yaml file stored in echoconda.
#> Yaml contents:
#> name: echoR
#> channels:
#> - conda-forge
#> - bioconda
#> - nodefaults
#> dependencies:
#> # Python
#> - python>=3.6.1
#> - pandas>=0.25.0
#> - fastparquet
#> - pyarrow
#> - scipy
#> - scikit-learn
#> - tqdm
#> - bitarray
#> - networkx
#> - rpy2
#> - requests
#> # Command line
#> - htslib
#> - plink
#> - bcftools
#> - wget
#> - axel
#> # R
#> - r>=4.0.0
#> - r-devtools
#> - r-susier
#> - r-reticulate
#> - r-rlang
#> - r-mvtnorm
#> - r-desctools
#> - r-exact
#> - r-later
#> - r-commonmark
#> - r-patchwork
#> - r-r.methodss3
#> - r-brew
#> - r-zip
#> - r-xfun
#> - r-credentials
#> - r-whisker
#> - r-gh
#> - r-xopen
#> - r-sessioninfo
#> - r-promises
#> - r-rex
#> - r-crosstalk
#> - r-roxygen2
#> - r-gert
#> - r-r.oo
#> - r-rversions
#> - r-rcmdcheck
#> - r-dt
#> - r-covr
#> - r-usethis
#> - r-openxlsx
#> - r-r.utils
#> - r-data.table
#> - r-ggplot2
#> - r-ckmeans.1d.dp
#> - r-tidyverse
#> - r-foreign
#> - r-refgenome
#> - r-xgr
#> - r-coloc
#> - r-susier
#> ### There's also this implementation of susieR which includes later versions
#> # - aksarkar::r-susier
#> - r-biocmanager
#> - bioconductor-snpstats
#> - bioconductor-ggbio
#> - bioconductor-ensdb.hsapiens.v75
#> - bioconductor-biomart
#> - radian
#> - pip
#> echoconda:: Conda environment already exists: echoR
#> Time difference of 0.3 secs