Set up a symlink to override xcode's clang with a valid version of gcc. If this doesn't work, first try following these instructions.
version = "latest",
link = "/usr/local/bin/gcc",
sudo = FALSE,
pass = Sys.getenv("PASS"),
overwrite = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
gcc version to use (e.g. 7,8,9,10).
If "latest"
, the latest version of gcc
currently installed on your machine will be used.
The path or pathname of the link to be created.
If "."
(or NULL
), it is inferred from the
argument, if possible.
Whether to run commands in sudo
Admin password.
, an existing link file is overwritten,
otherwise not.
Print messages.
A data.frame listing all gcc versions, their paths, and which one is currently active.
if(interactive()) gcc_df <- setup_gcc(overwrite=FALSE)