Make a hex sticker for the echoverse.
pkg = read.dcf(here::here("DESCRIPTION"), fields = "Package")[1],
subtitle = "echoverse",
subplot = NULL,
save_path = here::here("inst", "hex", "hex.png"),
new_coords = FALSE,
n_bats = 20,
gradient = c("#194f68", "#56ffff"),
p_size = 14,
p_x = 1,
p_y = 1.4,
s_size = 1,
s_x = 1,
s_y = 0.8,
s_height = s_size,
s_width = s_size,
h_fill = "#25355c",
h_color = "#41c6c8",
spotlight = TRUE,
l_alpha = 0.3,
l_width = 10,
dpi = 300,
seed = 1234,
show_plot = TRUE
Package name.
Hex sticker subtitle.
Path to save the hex sticker to.
Generate new random x/y coordinates to position the bats in the background along.
The number of bats you want to plot in the background.
Two colors to use to create a gradient for coloring the bats.
font size for package name
x position for package name
y position for package name
Convenience argument for controlled both
and s_width
at the same time.
x position for subplot
y position for subplot
height for subplot
width for subplot
color to fill hexagon
color for hexagon border
whether add spotlight
maximum alpha for spotlight
width for spotlight
plot resolution
Random seed to make point coordinates reproducible
(only relevant when new_coords=TRUE
Print the plot once created.
Plot of class sticker.
hex <- make_hex(pkg="mypackage",
save_path = tempfile(fileext = "hex.png"))
#> Loading required namespace: hexSticker