Useful for development, where you want to quickly initialize default values for a function while editing its internal code.
fn = "current",
remove = FALSE,
envir = .GlobalEnv,
reassign = TRUE,
run_source_all = TRUE,
set_dots = NULL,
parent_fn = sys.function(sys.parent()),
The function for which you want to convert its default argument values into global variables. Can be one of:
"current" or NULL (default)Identifies which file is currently active within your Rstudio IDE. Then searches for any functions that are defined within that file and runs args2vars on each of them. In this case, the listed returned to the user will be nested by each function name.
File pathWorks the same as "current" except the user can define which
R source file to search for functions within
(e.g. "path/to/file.R"
functionA literal R function
(e.g. function(x) x+1
), or utils::packageDate
"parent"The function within which args2vars was called.
, will remove globals
assigned by args2vars
(if supplying the same fn
as before).
If the global does not exist, it will be skipped.
the environment
to use. See ‘Details’.
If a global variable of the same name already exists, reassign its value anyway.
Source all R scripts first.
Set the ...
variable to the value of set_dots
The function within which args2vars
was called.
Only used when fn="parent"
Arguments passed on to source_all
Directory containing R files.
File name pattern to search for.
Packages to load.
A named list with each argument's default value, or simply a stop function declaring "No default".
Note the lack of parentheses at the end of the function (to avoid calling it).
args2vars(fn = utils::packageDate)
#> Sourcing 19 files.
#> Using input function.
#> Assigning '...' to 'NULL'
#> Assigning arguments of function: utils::packageDate
#> Skipping arg without default: pkg
#> Assigning global ->> lib.loc
#> Assigning global ->> date.fields
#> Assigning global ->> tryFormats
#> Skipping arg without default: desc
#> $pkg
#> function ()
#> {
#> stop("No default")
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55953e56d620>
#> <environment: 0x55953e667dc0>
#> $lib.loc
#> $date.fields
#> [1] "Date" "Packaged" "Date/Publication" "Built"
#> $tryFormats
#> [1] "%Y-%m-%d" "%Y/%m/%d" "%D" "%m/%d/%y"
#> $desc
#> packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc, fields = date.fields)